Saturday, November 21, 2009

Life with a Two Year Old!

Well, I have debated on sharing a "cute" story about Carson. First of all, we have had a very eventful past two weeks. Two Mondays ago we ended up in the ER. Carson apparently had croup (but for a mother who has barely experienced a child with a cold it was very overwhelming). He had to get a dose of steroids and a breathing treatment. He was such a trooper! The rest of the week he was pretty puny. He would play a little and then lay down. By Friday it seemed like he was getting worse. And on Monday morning we took him to the clinic on campus and he had an ear infection. I am very proud to say that he is MUCH better now.
Now, for the cute story... The other day we were all in the den and Carson tooted. I said, "Excuse you, did you toot Carson." He said, "No, it's a cow." Victor said, "Was it a cow or did you toot?" Carson replied, "NO! It's a COW!" paused and then said, "There's a cow in my booty!"

1 comment:

  1. HILARIOUS!!!! He is just TOO CUTE!!! Glad he's all better too :)
