Sunday, October 25, 2009

Pumpkin Patch with Grammy and Poppa

Last Friday morning we headed to MS. This was Brooklynn's first road trip! On Saturday we went to the Pumpkin Patch. Carson really enjoyed the hay ride, hay maze, animals, swings and picking out pumpkins. Brooklynn enjoyed being outside too.

The Family
On the hay ride
Victor and Brooklynn on the hay ride
April, the Zedonk
Carson- when we stopped by the goats
Carson and Poppa
Carson picked this little pumpkin out for Brooklynn
Carson and Victor in the maze
Carson on the swing
Grammy and Brooklynn
Dwarf horse
The kids looking at the rabbits with Grammy and Poppa


  1. looks like y'all had so much fun!!! There were some weird animals at y'alls :) I've never seen a zedonk before! Just so you know, I found a pumpkin patch we can go to near Vancouver--Have to keep the tradition alive :)

  2. Oh Good! Carson really enjoyed it this year. Yes, there were some weird animals there.
